June 27, 2023
Please note: a consultation is required before performing any steaming on your own. How I teach my clients to do this from home: Go to the kitchen and see if you can find a bowl or a pot that is made of either ceramic or glass. Take that with you. Next, go to the fridge and look for any bought bottles of filtered water or spring water (even better). Grab enough for about two cups. If you have the above, this means you CAN STEAM FROM HOME! Then, I want you to take that glass or ceramic bowl/pot into the bathroom with you and plonk it sitting in the toilet (so if you dropped something it would fall in the pot). Find at least one large towel and one warm but thin blanket. Bring in any lighting, candles, crystals, a book, speakers for music or meditation and create a comfortable and sacred space for your very first practice. Personalise it around you! Do what I do and envision yourself as a goddess receiving ancient wisdom through this practice. Put away the devices, such as phones, TVs and laptops, and limit any other distractions, such as work and kids, and really allow this to be a personal experience. I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH—this practice works best when you tune into the sensations and sensitivities of your body. Boil the filtered/spring water and wrap the towels around the toilet seat so it's comfy for you to be seated without feeling too cold, and so you feel comfortable sitting there for a long period of time. Take off your clothes and wrap that beautiful blanket around you. Once the kettle is boiled, take it and pour it in the bowl that's seated inside of the toilet bowl. You actually don't need to steam with herbs to feel the benefits of yoni steaming, it does help and target specific ailments, imbalances, spiritual goals and such, but you still benefit in most ways with pure good-quality water in steaming. I even prefer this than you buying and using the wrong herbs. If you have a herb blend, this is where you add the herbs. If you're not purchasing them from us, please ensure they are organic, with no more than eight herbs in the blend altogether—it's a matter of PH! Let it steep for a minute or so, then sit on the toilet and keep the blanket wrapped around you, with the steam going into your lady (or man) bits. If you find it's too hot (you'll know straight away!) just stand back up and sit back down in ten-second increments. There's no right or wrong temperature here, this is a mild steam because you're not using a heating element to sustain the heat (traditional steam). Just ensure you don't burn but keep a bit of warmth that's comfortable. AND THAT'S IT—you're steaming! Remember, for your first-time steaming, you must only go for a maximum of 10-15 minutes.